Morning Prayer Starting Your Day With God - Christian Prayer For Morning - A Must Watch Video

Heavenly Father, we gather together here online and come into agreement in the wonderful and powerful name of Jesus.

Where two or more are gathered there You shall surely be and anything we agree upon as touching You will surely do.

The Bible says that if there is any unforgiveness that it should be dealt with before praying.

Therefore we release any anger, bad feelings, resentment or any other wrong attitude before You now.

We lay it at your feet and we release and forgive those who have wronged us.

I lift up those watching this video and we come into agreement and lift up the listener to You.

Father, thank You for this new day for the listener.

This is a day that You have made and we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Together we ask for wisdom, revelation, and understanding for the listener for the things they will face.

We speak strength and peace over them in Jesus Name.

We call them charged up to take on the tasks they will face.

Help them to walk in love with those they come across.

May they look at the world through eyes filled with the God-kind of love.

Help them to be patient and kind.

Help them to be gentle and humble - seeing others as You see them.

Help them to watch their tongue in Jesus Name.

May the words the listener speaks today be wrapped in love and lift up the person they are directed towards.

Right now we cast down every thought for fear and worry.

We declare that thoughts that are pleasant in Your sight Lord fill the mind of the listener today in Jesus Name.

When they submit to You and resist the devil, he will flee.

Help the listener be a light in this dark world.

May others see Jesus in how they speak and the actions they make.

All the praise and glory to You!

In Jesus Name.



John 3:16
3 John 2
Psalm 35:27
Deut 28:1-14
Heb 13:5
