Here is What You Need To Check Next Time You Buy Bottled Water - A Must Watch Video

These days, there is a big push to use re-useable water bottles. They are better for our bodies and for our environment. However, plenty of us are stuck buying plastic water bottles on a regular basis for one reason or another. Did you know there are likely harmful, cancer-causing chemicals in that plastic? That's right. Today's video will discuss what to look for on bottles of water so that you know what you are putting into your body and so that you can make a more informed decision now that you will have the knowledge.

1. HDP or HDPE
2. PET or PETE
3. PS
4. PVC or 3V
5. PP
7. PC or non-labeled plastic

Let us know, will you be checking your water bottles before purchasing them? You should! Continue this discussion in our comment section.

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